Metaphysical Bible Lesson #3

Abraham-Sarah-IsaacPatience is one of the hardest things to learn along the spiritual path. And it’s not an artifact of our technological, digital age. Abraham and Sarah – early figures in the biblical canon – struggled with the same issue.

Teaching children how to “let go and let God” can be a challenge, but the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac is a great way to begin.

I’ve blogged about the larger context here. Young children don’t need to get into the mess Sarah created by sending Hagar to her husband to have a child; but they can understand that Abraham and Sarah asked God for a child, and then Sarah got in a hurry and tried to “help” God answer her prayer. The result was a situation that made Sarah sad and was NOT the answer to her prayers.

Older youth may be able to maturely discuss the implications of this action and the pain and hurt it created, which is an important aspect of this lesson.

I have also included a graphic that makes 5-step spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer) easy to share with kids. I learned this concept of using hands to teach 5-step treatment from Rev. Iris Sauber of the Center for Conscious Living (Thank you Rev. Iris!).

In each Kids Sheet lesson there is a summary of the spiritual Truth and an affirmation (here it is from Lesson #3):

Here’s what the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac teaches us:

  • When we pray (do Treatment) for something, we must release it to God and trust in the outcome for our highest Good.
  • We let God worry about the “how” – we simply know that we are provided and wait patiently for the demonstration of our Good.
  • Releasing requires faith! Don’t interfere – learn to be patient and “wait upon the Lord (Law)” – (It works!)
  • Affirmation: I let go, I let God and I know my Good is on its way.


You may also want to share the song below by Michael Gott (“I Will Make a Quiet Place”) which reinforces the concepts of releasing, letting go and waiting for God.

As with Lesson 1 (Daniel in the Lion’s Den) and Lesson 2 (David and Goliath), these are free to use (please attribute to this site).

(C) 2017 Practitioner's Path

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