Appreciation – Day 7

On this 7th day of appreciation for all the things that I have gained and learned while affiliated with New Thought/organized spiritual metaphysics, I celebrate the wonder of letting go.

One doesn’t need to spend very long among spiritual-not-religious folks to hear this phrase come out as advice to someone who is experiencing illness, a troubled relationship, financial distress or anything else that is unpleasant.

AND,… there is definitely some wisdom in not holding onto things that don’t serve us. Holding grudges is like drinking poison, Wayne Dyer taught, and expecting the other person to drop dead. It’s a zero sum game: if we hold onto the negativity, the misery, the anger and resentment – we bear the brunt of all that negativity.

I’ve also embraced the lesson that some things come into our lives for a season, and not a lifetime, and for me – organized spiritual metaphysics has come to it’s Autumn (Winter suggests a sleep and a following Spring whereas Autumn is the end).

I am so very grateful for the people I have met, the music I have added to my library, the practices that have influenced my own, and the net benefit to me personally that I can honestly attribute to my time in New Thought/organized spiritual metaphysics.

In a way, it is a bit like being on Active Duty (which I have some experience with), or in college: looking back, we can point to wonderful people, circumstances and events but see them for what they are – a part of our journey – not the entire journey. We take the lessons, the wisdom and the memories and we move on, building on those and growing.

I close this 7 days of appreciation knowing that I will take the lessons I have learned, and appreciate them, use them where applicable and continue to grow. I will use many of them as a lens for exploring new areas, finding new ways of engaging in life and showing up in the world, and that’s ALL GOOD!

I give THANKS for this part of my journey, and from this perspective of deep gratitude I release it; knowing that it all is woven into my highest and best Good – and so it is!

(C) 2021 Practitioner's Path

NOTE: releasing myself from affiliation and identification with a particular movement that teaches universal spiritual principles does not suggest that I will stop observing, commenting or calling out behaviors that are commendable or that need further scrutiny. As I have stated many times before: the principles and wisdom taught in organized spiritual metaphysics belong to us all.


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